Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Nelson Abiva Richard Gildea Ogo Ofemia Vince Abella
Gil Academia Gary Ginter Salvador Ortega Bob Anderson
Brad Adams Rosario Giron Diane Owyang Rich Archbold
Marilyn Alcorn Anthony Gonzales Steve Payne Adrienne Avakian
Wanda Alfonso Larry Gooch Linda Ponce Wayne Ayars
Bob Allegrotti Katherine Goodson Romeo Quenangan Dan Bates
Anthony Amaya Tony Gordinier Ron Quesada Greg Blevins
Carol Anderson Tim Grant Joseph Quinata Jean Bugbee on FB
Judy Anderson Cheryl Green Marie Quintana Bill Callahan
Melinda Anderson Mike Green Mike Ramsey Larry Carson
Kenneth Attard Valerie Growl Edwin Reyes Dave Casal
Janice Baker Shelby Hallford Surle Riggal Joan Childs
Audrey Bardecki Lee Haris Rosario Rivera Rick Coffey
Richard Barker Charles Hausen Janece Roach Jill Danielson
Renee Barrett Tim Helwig Stephanie Robinson David Day
Nancy Baumann Vicky Herrera Mike Rodriguez Vince Dermont
Eugene Beardsley Robert Hibbs Carol Roper Cathy Dickenson
Terry Bernardo Bill Holliday Gwen Rosenthal James Flindt
Mary Binns Danny Holt Ruth Ruebel Carol Ford
Toni Binns Kathryn Hostettler Paul Rufus Mary Freitas
Chris Bjerke Tom Howard Mike Samuel John Gallup
Paul Borja James Hudson Louis Santiago Theresa Garbiso
Robert Bottemiller Portia Hunter Alicia Santos Tim Grahn
Debra Bowens Robert Hunter Vanida Saycocie Steve Herron
Catherine Bowers Mike Idle Joe Scaramuzzio Mike Horvath
Raymond Bradigan Maurice Jackson Harry Schaffer Lynn Howard
Gloria Bradley Gary Jenkins Edward Schmitz Jim Hurney
Laura Breitan Jody Johnson Sandy Schultz Jackie Jacopetti
Karen Broad Mary Johnson Mark Seelenbacher Katie Keltner
Allen Bullock Pam Johnson David Sequeira Pat Kendall
Steven Burch Pamela Johnson Eric Shelton Joanne Kessinger
Rebecca Burt Harry Jones Janine Simon Joe King
Marilyn Byers Katheryn Jones Steve Slavich Sandra King
Tim Candelario Renee Jones Chad Smith Debra Knutson
Tim Cardas Jill Keenan Lorriane Smith Bob Leach
Charles Carter Maumi Krause Frank Solis on FB Alfred Lee
Janece Carter Samantha LaChapelle Jeanne Staats Barbara Lenehan
John Castro Keith Lacy Sue Stallman George Littleton
Bruce Catter on FB Rich Lambie Charles Standridge Peter Locke
Sandy Caughlin Calvin Lee Ken Stevens Martha Lucero
Louis Chan Gary Lee Charles Sweeny Kathy Macabeo
Dilip Chauhan Gail Lehman Kevin Tabor Susan Maclean
Carol Clement Gilbert Lehman Patsy Tajima Karen Mahoney
Frederick Costa Joann Lessomger Tom Taylor Dan Marshall on FB
David Crotzer Ann Lima Barry Thieme Patty Martinez
Ruth Daniel Bertil Linbald Debbie Thomas Robert McGinnis
James Davis Barbara Linn Robert Thompson Karen McIntosh
Victor Davis Rosie Longoria Dennis Thrall Terry Miller
Gary Delong Mike Lowe Leslie Tucker Carla Mitchell
Linda DeMoreta Mike Lundberg Steve Tye Doug Mitchell
Denise Dettmer Roxanne Lytle Ernest Uballe Gail Nunes
Ramona Devine Kevin Macaffity Dan Unger Dan Osborne
Al DeWitt Carmen Maceira Suzann Unger David Perata
Alexander Diwa Cathy Makela Robert Villa Greg Posadas
Doug Donnelly Tove Malmedal Sal Viray Sheldon Quant
Debbie Drum Debbie Marrs Susan Visaya Bob Rawson
Richard Dunston Veronica Martin Pete Vorda Nick Sablan
Annette Dwyer Arlie Martinez Anton Vouk Gary Schofield
Zenaida Encarnacion Melissa Martinez Robert Vranek Bill Shepherd
Patty Enstrom Rosler Mason Greg Wade Sally Skaife
Richard Esquivil Donna Matheson Cyndi Waldron Lisa Ward
Arthuro Estrada Dale Mathias Theresa Watson Mike Smith
Joey Fagnani Mike McCollum Larry Weerts Terrill Smith
Eugene Fassiotto Cindy McConkley Mike Wharton Lanelle Towle
Rick Felker Peggie McKee Charlie Williamson Gerald Treber
Noel Ferrer Sandy Mendel Doris Wong Bill Vuylsteke
Dale Fidler Cindy Mildon Alvin Yee Tom Wisley
Loren Fitzwater Vicki Miller Judy Young
Jackie Ford Amanda Minor
Jeff Foster Randy Molina
James French Rose Montgomery
Gordon Gamradt Pat Mulcahy
Michele Gehb Bruce Murdock
Ronnie Gerdes Jude Mussetter
Mildred Gerona Troy Nelson I will cross off people as we find them.


  1. FOUND. Richard Archbold, Lisa Ward, Alfred Lee

  2. Scott Hale FOUND Vanida Saycocie.

  3. Scott Hale also FOUND Arthuro Estrada.

  4. FOUND. Barbara Lenehan on FB.

  5. Pat Leahy FOUND George Littleton.

  6. Rhonda Newsome FOUND Randy Molina.

  7. Pat Leahy FOUND Gail Nunes on FB.

  8. I don't know if the Anton Vouk you're looking for is my father, I was under the impression he graduated in Seattle, but considering the time frame, it could be him... I'm sorry to say, but, he passed away in 2003.
    -Alicia Vouk, if have questions, I am on FB.

  9. Thank you to Alicia Vouk for letting us know about your dad.

  10. Thanks to Dana Bowes Silva located Marilyn Alcorn, Ron Quesada & Pete Vorda.

  11. FOUND. Rosie Longoria via Teresa, her sis on FB.

  12. FOUND. Thanks anonymous for giving us Mike Idle's address.
